How to Upgrade
This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide.
Access No-Cost Consulting
An energy consultant from the Oasis Energy Solution team will work with you to identify measures and connect you to incentive and financing programs.
Get an Assessment
An energy assessment will identify the opportunities to upgrade the energy efficiency of your property.
Make Improvements
Work with Oasis Energy Solution to install energy efficiency measures. Some measures may be self-installed.
Receive Incentives
Earn incentives for the amount of energy saved, based on the measures installed. The more you save, the more incentives you can earn!
Improvement incentive based on energy savings achieved. Higher savings achieved will lead to higher incentive levels. Program restrictions apply.
This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide.
Save on costs
Tenants can save on utility bills, operating costs, and maintenance costs.
Property owners can reduce operating and maintenance costs by upgrading Common Area.
Increase tenant comfort
An energy assessment will identify the opportunities to upgrade the energy efficiency of your property.
Contribute to regional environmental goals.
Financing and incentives
Earn incentives for the amount of energy saved, based on the measures installed. The more you save, the more incentives you can earn!
Improvement incentive based on energy savings achieved. Higher savings achieved will lead to higher incentive levels. Program restrictions apply.
To participate in the Program, your multifamily projects must meet the following criteria:
Utility Providers
Be in a property served by Southern California Edison (SCE), LADWP, or local California energy service providersl
Minimum number of units.
Each program requires a minimum number of connected units. Southern California Edison requires 5 connected units.
Energy efficiency measures
Include at lease two eligible energy efficiency measures, one of which must be an electric measures.1
Financing and incentives
Earn incentives for the amount of energy saved, based on the measures installed. The more you save, the more incentives you can earn!
Improvement incentive based on energy savings achieved. Higher savings achieved will lead to higher incentive levels. Program restrictions apply.
Get in Touch
Call us at 1-800-880-8468 and get a free estimation of your properties.